When you click on a link, it takes you to a webpage or another online location. These links can range from mild inconveniences – like a link that directs you to buy something with a referral code so the person who sent it gets their commission – to serious threats, such as revealing your personal information or passwords to hackers and scammers who operate phishing sites that look just like those of reputable brands and services.
Can I scan links online to see if they are safe , there are several ways to check if a link is safe to click on. Some of these methods are as simple as hovering over a link to see the URL it actually links to, while others require you to use free tools to verify the safety of a website or its links. In this article, we will explore the importance of checking links and how you can scan them to ensure they are safe to click on.
What Is the Best Way to Check if a Link is Safe?
There are several tools that can help you check if a link is safe to use, including antivirus and anti-malware software, browser extensions, and online URL scanners. Many of these tools are free, easy to use, and provide a quick assessment of a link’s safety. Some of these tools include Google Transparency Report, VirusTotal, Norton Safe Web, PhishTank, and DFNDR Lab.
Another good tool to check if a link is safe is the Tenant Allow/Block List in Sitecore. This list allows you to specify which URLs will be scanned and which ones won’t. This can be a great way to prevent false positives and block potentially dangerous websites.